Q&A with a happy customer!

Bike-A-Local Q&A with Keriann, a 16-year resident of Singapore

Keriann has purchased and sampled two of our Bike-A-Local rides, so we caught up with her to see how they went.

Bike-A-Local: How do you read the Bike-A-Local map as you’re riding? Do you have a phone mount on your bike? 
Keriann: I keep my phone in my little bike bag, but have just ordered a new bag that has a phone mount to make reading the map easier. Even with not being able to see that map every step of the way, the instructions are so clear that I can visualize where I am on the map and plan ahead for the next few turns before checking it again. I use both the map and the instructions throughout my ride.

Bike-A-Local: Do you prefer longer rides for the exercise, or is your main goal to smell the roses and see or learn something new around Singapore? 
Keriann: Both — sometimes we want to get out there and get a good Singapore sweat on but other times we want to explore new places and see what is out there beyond the usual pathways and Singapore sights. We are very much enjoying getting off-the-beaten-path and enjoying ALL that Singapore has to offer from coast to coast. 
Often our first outing is an exploration and if we go back on the same route (since we are familiar with the pathway) we are able to enjoy it all over again, while focusing on the exercise more the second or third time.

Bike-A-Local: Have you always enjoyed cycling in Singapore? Or is it a new pursuit in the pandemic era? 
Keriann: For us this was a new pursuit in the pandemic era. It started with me dropping my husband off at work each morning in the CBD and I would go to Gardens by the Bay and rent one of the QR code bikes and go for a ride to East Coast and back before heading home. 
It has now progressed into us owning our own bikes, a bike rack for the car and making sure we go out once or twice a weekend for a big cycle in a new location. 
It has made us fall in love with Singapore in a new way because we are seeing it from a new perspective all over again. After 16 years on the little Red Dot we are amazed there is so much out there still to see.

Bike-A-Local: Do you read the history nuggets while you’re riding or before/after? 
Keriann: A bit of both — but mostly on the ride. I only check them out beforehand, so I know where to stop, take a break, read the history nugget aloud to my hubby and take a moment to take it all in.

Bike-A-Local: Do you ride alone sometimes or with a friend/spouse/kids? 
Keriann: It’s just my husband and me on these journeys so far, but we have talked about our friends joining us too for some of the shorter legs of the routes. But at the moment these rides are giving my husband and me something to do together that we both really enjoy.

We’d love to hear from you!
Let us know your thoughts, questions, or curiosities about cycling in Singapore or about those quirky Singapore Secrets waiting to be discovered. Or perhaps you have requests for places you’d like us to incorporate into upcoming rides.

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